New Manuscripts should be submitted online at the following URL:

Ⅰ. Online submission of Original Manuscripts
Log in is required for the first time user. If you do not have an account, click "Register" button and make your account.
ID should be your email address being actively used now. If you have an account but forgot your password, click the "Forgot Your Password?" button. Your password will be given to your email address on your request. To begin, enter your User ID and password into the boxes provided, and click. At the welcome screen, click "Submit a Manuscript" button. After that, click "New Submissions" button to submit your new manuscript and follow steps 1-8.

Step 1. Title, Abstract and Corresponding Author
Choose manuscript type, and enter your title and abstract into the appropriate boxes. If you need to insert a special character, click the "Special Characters" button. If you are submitting a manuscript that does not require an Abstract, please type N/A in the Abstract box. Please click the check box, if the corresponding author is the first author.

Step 2. Authors
Enter the personal information for the first author in the boxes under "Add the First Author."

Step 3. File Upload
The manuscript file (main text) should not include author's’ name or name of affiliation. Upload and select the correct file designation for each. All images should be inserted into a PowerPoint file. Acceptable file formats are pdf, hwp, doc, and ppt, and each file should not be bigger than 20 MB in size.

Step 4. PDF Conversion
Merger file will be created as pdf format.

Step 5. Cover Letter & Additional Info.
Please, writer down the additional notes to Editor-in-Chief.

Step 6. Suggest Reviewers
This is particularly important when the manuscript deals with a highly specialized subject. Use the fields below to give us contact information for each suggested reviewer. Please note that the journal may not use your suggestions, but your help is appreciated and may speed up the selection of appropriate reviewers.

Step 7. Preview
Review the information in the Preview chart for correctness; make changes if needed. If you have not completed a required step, you will not be able to submit your manuscript.

Step 8. Submit

Once it is submitted, you will be able to monitor the progress of your manuscript through the peer review process.

Copyright© Korean Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.
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